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Colombia Select ETF

Objetivo de inversión

El Fondo Bursatil Global X Colombia Select de S&P (ETF) busca replicar los retornos, antes de gastos y comisiones, del índice subyacente – S&P Colombia Select (el “índice”) administrado por S&P Dow Jones Indices LLC (S&P). El índice provee exposición a las acciones domesticas de mayor capitalización bursátil y mas liquidas, listadas en la Bolsa de Valores de Colombia (BVC). El universo de selección del S&P Colombia Select esta basado en las acciones miembro del índice general S&P Colombia BMI.


1 Mo 3 Mo 6 Mo YTD 1 Yr 3 Yr 5 Yr SIR*
HCOLSEL ETF 0.40 5.30 19.92 26.50 33.27 10.49 4.10 2.33
S&P Colombia Select Index Total Return 0.61 5.24 20.48 26.96 33.13 12.69 5.10 3.34
*Rendimiento desde el inicio en May 28, 2014, a Jun 30, 2024
Todos los retornos expresados en Peso Colombiano (COP$)

Rendimiento del Año Calendario

2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023
HCOLSEL ETF -23.14 20.24 14.21 -10.68 30.65 -8.01 2.33 -4.26 5.49%
S&P Colombia Select Index Total Return -22.74 20.95 14.98 -10.21 30.03 -7.85 2.69 -2.11 5.37%
Todos los retornos expresados en Peso Colombiano (COP$)

Inversiones Principales

Al Jul 25, 2024
Emisor Ponderacion
Interconexion Electrica SA - ISA 15.61%
BanColombia SA Prf 15.44%
Ecopetrol SA 15.43%
Grupo Argos S.A. 11.82%
Cementos Argos SA 11.21%
Grupo de Inversiones Suramericana S.A. 7.23%
Empresa de Energia de Bogota S.A. E.S.P. 5.26%
Banco Davivienda SA Pref 4.17%
Grupo de Inversiones Suramericana S.A. 3.48%
Grupo Aval 3.25%
Celsia S.A. E.S.P. 3.07%
Corporacion Financiera Colombiana 2.96%
Banco de Bogota SA 1.06%
Grupo Nutresa S.A. 0.00%
Promigas S.A. E.S.P. 0.00%
Sociedad portafolio SA 0.00%

Precio & NAV

VII $14,515.41
Change $-103.00  -0.70%
NAV $14,611.12
Precio $14,590.00

Último Negociado: Jul 25, 2024

Información Relevante

Fecha de Inicio 5/28/14
Nemotécnico HCOLSEL
Activos Netos (COP$) 1,790,010,000,000
Bolsa de Inscripción Bolsa de Valores de Colombia
NAV por Acción 13969.9947
Total en Efectivo 2562969.46
Indice en Bloomberg (Ticker) SPCOSLCP
Índice Subyacente S&P Colombia Select Index

Más Información

Gestor Profesional Global X ETFs (US)
Sociedad Administradora Fiduciaria Bogota
Revisor Fiscal KPMG
Comisión de Manejo Anual 0.50% (Maximum)
Moneda Peso Colombiano (COP$)
¿Currency Hedged? No


Monto Pagado (COP$) 41.0000
Rendimiento Anual Estimado 1.10
12-Month Trailing Yield 0.99
Frecuencia de Distribución Trimestral
Fecha de Registro 04/30/2024

The obligations of the respective Management Company(ies) of each of the Stock Fund(s), and of the Professional Manager, Global X Management Company LLC (“Global X ETFs”), in charge of manage the portfolios, are a means and in no case a result for the Investors. The assets and funds delivered by the Investors to the Authorized Participants for their participation in the Stock Funds are not deposits, nor do they generate for: the Stock Broker Companies, the Management Companies or the Professional Manager, the obligations of a depository institution. and are not covered by the deposit insurance of the Financial Institutions Guarantee Fund – FOGAFÍN, or by any other scheme of this nature.

The Investment in Stock Funds is subject, among others, to the market risk that results from fluctuations in the prices of the assets that make up the Portfolio of the respective Stock Funds. Diversification does not protect against market risk. Securities concentrated in a single country or region may be subject to greater volatility. Likewise, there are other types of risks associated with investments that are described in the Regulations and the Prospectus of each Stock Fund. Investors may have access to the Regulations through the Website of the respective Management Company. On the other hand, a printed version of the Regulations is available at the offices of the respective Management Company and at the offices of the Authorized Participants.


Please see the Funds’ website pages for applicable trademark legal notices and trademark licenses.

The automatic registration of the Representative Documents of the Shares of each Stock Fund in the National Registry of Securities and Issuers, in accordance with the terms of Article of Decree 2555, does not imply certification in the Financial Superintendence of Colombia with regarding the profitability of the Stock Funds or the security of the investments.

The Financial Superintendence of Colombia – “SFC” warns potential investors that Stock Funds are products that involve risk; Therefore, when making the decision to invest, Investors must carefully read all the information and ensure that they understand it correctly and adequately, without prejudice to the responsibilities of the Stock Broker Companies, as established in Decree 2555.

Potential Investors should read the Prospectus and the Regulations in order to properly consider the suitability of the investment.

The registration of the Documents Representative of the Participations before the National Registry of Securities and Issuers does not imply any qualification or responsibility on the part of the SFC towards natural or legal persons in relation to the price, value or negotiability of the securities or the respective issue, or the solvency of the issuer.

The registration of the Documents Representative of the Participations in the Colombian Stock Exchange SA does not imply the certification of the price nor the negotiability of the securities, their issuance or the solvency of their issuer by the Colombian Stock Exchange SA

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